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Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2008
1:24 p.m.
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Look at Me, World ] >>

"We've been having trouble getting him to go to the bathroom," Judge's behavior therapist says. "He screams and tantrums and yells 'I don't want to! I don't like it!'"
"Same here," says his teacher. "He won't go at school no matter how hard I push him."

This is a team meeting to sort of meet and compare notes, figure out where we go from here. Me, Judge's parents, his behavior therapist, the program director and program leader for the behavior therapy, and his preschool teacher. And apparently none of them can get him to go to the bathroom. No one asks me.

"Sometimes I can get him to go around two o'clock," the behavior therapist is saying, "if no other kids are around. I point at the bathroom and tell him to say 'I need to go potty' and sometimes he does it."
"Great," the program director is saying," pairing 'I need to go potty' with the act and the feeling is great."

And still, nobody is asking me. So when I have to leave early to take him to his appointment, it's only his dad watching when I take God's Judge to the bathroom. We stop in front, hand in hand. I look at the toilet. I look at Judge. I look at the toilet. I look at Judge.

"I have to go potty!" he announces, then enters the bathroom and does his thing.

The teacher, been working with him for two years. The behavior therapist, working on correcting behavior like this for over a year. Me, working with God's Judge for four months now.

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