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Monday, Jul. 28, 2008
11:11 a.m.
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Tragedy ] >>

Rolled over at four in the morning and soaked his shirt through. "What's wrong?" he kept asking. Didn't have an answer. Still don't.

Spent this morning reading up on shipwrecks. I was going to write that as "terrible shipwrecks", but I suppose that implies that some shipwrecks are less terrible than others. Dismal numbers of rescue, a hundred and thirty seven saved out of nine hundred eighty nine total for the MS Estonia disaster. Four hundred sixty five out of one thousand four hundred and seventy seven passengers on the RMS Empress of Ireland.

Part of me says, that's a fourteen percent chance of survival on one boat. Nearly a thirty two percent chance on the other, and both of those statements seem like looking on the bright side because the toll "could have been worse". But it only seems like a bright side because I wasn't on the boats.

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