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Sunday, Nov. 23, 2008
8:14 a.m.
<< [
Guarding Lives ] >>

I thought of my father.

My father, admitting all his problems but one. Missing the important one. I hate to be trite, but he's the problem. His problem. My problem.

Are we rolling yet?

I am a lifeguard part time. When I told him I had to jump in to save a little girl, he said, "Uh huh."

Said, "Sure."

Said, "I'm trying to watch this."

My father, the problem.

I cannot think of a time he has been happy, and I am not sure why I still expect it. He still sees it as his father, the problem. I don't understand, I know he feels everything that was wrong with their relationship, and I know he feels everything that's wrong with ours, but there's this cognitive gap where he can't admit it's him.

Everything is someone else's fault.

Please, dad. Help me fix it.

My father, the problem.

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