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Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009
7:22 a.m.
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My Beautiful Life ] >>

Had a dream about the family I used to babysit for. They came back to take more swim lessons, only the swim lessons were in their kitchen, so I was listening to this mother while teaching. She was back and forth between hating me and thinking I was ungrateful for leaving, and wishing she had treated me better and I came back. I don't think it was a reflection of how she feels, as much as a reflection of how I feel.

I've adopted a scorched earth policy lately. Slightly offend me? Ignore forever. Forget my birthday? Fuck you, worst best friend ever. Piss me off six months ago and continue to ask me for favors I don't want to give? Unfriended AND ignored.

I just don't want to deal with anyone else's shit anymore. Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

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