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Thursday, Oct. 01, 2009
4:19 p.m.
<< [
Trying, Really ] >>

I was going to start this entry with how I've been too dishonest and embarrassed to write here, and about all the things I've done that I'm being dishonest about, and how I really need to be more honest in my own fucking diary, until I realized

I am being dishonest in general.

The last couple of months I've found myself sneaking in little half-truths and denials everywhere I can.

Honesty has to start somewhere.

Let's try again.

I spent my twenty first birthday high as shit at a family dinner. The weekend after, I went dancing with my closest friends, all eight of them (nine? ten?) and drank too much. A boy tried to kiss me and even in my drunken, attention-whoring stupor, I managed to both fend him off and tell me boyfriend about it. My boyfriend who is simultaneously my fiance and my ex.

Don't ask.

I just dropped a class because I'm afraid it's going to be too hard. I am telling myself it's because I am trying to avoid stress, I am trying to lead a happier life, but really, I am just scared. I am scared that I am not smart enough, not good enough, like I've been most of my life.

Honesty, right?


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