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Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011
6:07 a.m.
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Fat Girl ] >>

Came home from work yesterday seething. I watched a little boy point at a little girl and call her fat. Couldn't contain my anger; yelled that it was wildly inappropriate and we don't do that here, then told his teacher and had his teacher yell at him some more. The little girl, in another class, started to cry. Parents were nowhere to be seen.

I walked to the little girl and crouched down, got my knees wet. Told her he was stupid and what he said was wrong, she isn't fat, she is beautiful, and she shouldn't listen to him, and any other kind thing I could muster, but I knew it wasn't enough. The damage was done as soon as the word left his stupid fucking face hole.

Told his mother after class. I said things like, "I wanted to let you know," and, "the other little girl was crying," and, "I've talked to him already, but it would mean more coming from you." The mother said things like, "I don't know how this happened," and, "sometimes he's playful," and, "you talk to him," which really only made me angrier. A scolding from a stranger he'll see once a week? Worthless. Mom and dad setting the example and doing their fucking jobs? Way more valuable.

When I tried to tell boyfriend, I started crying. That little girl was smiling by the end of the class, but god dammit, I know it's not that simple. An apology doesn't make it okay, because it's going to stay with her. Sometimes she'll be happy, but every time she doubts herself, she'll hear that little boy in the back of her head. I cried because I know it's too late and I know how much it hurts and I hate, so much, that I couldn't stop it.

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