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Monday, Feb. 21, 2011
6:37 a.m.
<< [
Comatose ] >>

"This is a weird question, but what would you do if I went into a coma?" he asked.

"Keep you on life support for as long as I possibly could." I chuckled. "You?"

"I'd bring you little things. Like a little itsy bitsy rocking horse, because I know you like little things. I'd bring you balloons and I'd come and visit you all the time and I'd talk to you and tell you about my day and how I'm doing and what's going on."

Here is where I started to cry.

School is too much for me, these days. I'm waitlisted for the final class I need next quarter, and probably failing the class I'm taking this quarter to fulfill the prerequisites for said class next quarter. Either way, I'm probably stuck here for another quarter, two if I really fuck up. I've been stressed out because somehow I've convinced myself this matters, but it doesn't. The thing about life is no one comes out of it alive.

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