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Sunday, May. 22, 2011
6:47 a.m.
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Time to be a smart bitch again ] >>

Five thirty in the morning, I'm never awake, but today I am. Phone rings. My phone never rings anymore. I see the number, a number I'd know by heart even if it weren't still saved in my phone, a year and a half after the fact. I pretend I don't know who it is.

"Hey Amanda."


"You know who this is, right?"

Like I could ever forget.

He's sorry. I'm the best friend he's ever had. I don't need him but he needs me, and he missed me, sonofabitch. We're hanging out tomorrow, rekindling the only real friendship either of us has probably ever known. The universe is giving me so many gifts that I don't even know what to do with them.

He would call me the day after the end of the world.

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