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Tuesday, Sept. 06, 2011
7:26 a.m.
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Sups Death ] >>

Fear of loss is the theme of the week: first my boyfriend leaving, now my parents dying. Not that any of them are planning on any of this anytime soon, but things happen.

Dad's birthday last night, so we all drank too much, and daddy talks death when he's been drinking. Can't stop feeling miserable, been on the verge of tears ever since. As I was leaving, I turned to dad and told him I expect another thirty years or so out of him, because there's so much I still need my parents around for. Marriage, buying a house, kids, you know the drill.

I just wish I could stop obsessing about it. I know it's inevitable, and I know there's nothing I can do about it one way or the other so there's no reason to even waste time being upset, but I am. I'm so scared of loss.

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