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Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011
7:12 p.m.
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Commonality ] >>

Therapist asked me if I had any friends when we saw him to fix our third client. Friends, what would I need those for? Friends to bail when I need them most? To tell me when I'm doing something wrong, to find the cracks in my greatness? I do it for myself, why would I need that in my life? So I told him I don't have much use for most people, then qualified it. He said it sounded snobby, but he doesn't think I'm a snob. Great.

Everyone leaves. My name is inaccurate. Amanda? Worthy of love? Who the fuck were you kidding? Everyone leaves in the end, and I am left to be lowest common denominator again.

The only thing in common with all your failed relationships is you.

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