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Monday, Feb. 06, 2012
10:34 a.m.
<< [
Broken Broken ] >>

Broken boy babied me last night; asked me to stay longer even though it inconvenienced him this morning. I asked to be escorted inside, he asked to make the rounds with his friends for two hours, and ten minutes later made his way back into my bed. Our bed.

We woke in the middle of the night and smoked a bowl, lighter flame flickering on the wall. We tangled again in the night and figured out where to go from here, arm around my waist, desire pushed up against me, our breaths in sync. We're both fucked up and freshly single, and giving this a go is a terrible idea, but we enjoy eachother's company and the cuddling and the smoking and the understanding, so we'll continue and reevaluate as necessary. I don't know if he'll stick around forever ever, but for now he cares and tells me I'm pretty and what else could I ask for?

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