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Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2012
7:08 p.m.
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Loves of my Lives ] >>

Two whole months and a day since baby brother left for militant america. Two more days and we'll be together again talking the way we haven't since he left. I almost missed his call today, because my baby boy was tantrumming. Did miss the first one, listened to the silent voicemail, felt my heart break, called mom, told her I missed the call, told her if he called to tell her that I'm around and I'll answer, swear to god. She said okay I love you we hung up.

Baby boy small in his mother's arms, I ticked the minutes past, one, two, four, five, seven, ten, then it rang again. My favorite child and my favorite mother told me, "Go! Take it!" and urged me into the other room.

He said hello, I started to cry, and I asked him how long we had to talk together. An hour or so, so I told him, "I'm off in twenty minutes. Call back at 12:30, okay? Call dad." And immediately my favorite's mother told me, "No, you go take that call, you go take it right now. We are done. The session is over." No protesting could convince her otherwise, so I cried and did data while I talked to my little brother in her living room. I got twenty four whole minutes. I caught him up. He is a sailor. I love him and I am so proud of him. He is so sorry he missed my breakup, and he will be here soon.

He called me first.

See you soon, baby bro.

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