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Sunday, Feb. 12, 2012
12:41 a.m.
<< [
Reilly's Daughter ] >>

Drunk and flying. Can't contain myself, never been able to, the darkness inside me, insisting that I drink more and swear more and drink more and fuck more and drink more and insist that everyone around me indulge as I do. My best friend is right, I'm a trigger for his alcoholism, and instead of trying to contain it I fucking revel in it like a pig in mud. Please, for a moment, allow me to roll around in my own filth, my own evil, my own mess, because I find sustenance in breaking shit.

Daddy and I sitting at the bar like equals, he buys a round, I buy a round, and we discuss the various failings of he and my mother as parents.

Drink number 5 and I'm wondering when this ends. The answer is I will drink until I can drink no more, then wait until I can drink again, then rinse and repeat. That's always the answer. That will always be the answer.

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