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Wednesday, Jul. 28, 2004
10:18 p.m.
<< [
Innocence, Once Lost, Can Never Be Regained ] >>

I have not been fair to myself.

Editing, re-editing, trying to perfect my words to the best of my abilities. This is what I do in my head... but perhaps I should not carry this habit of mine over to my diary.

I have things to say but none of them seem worth saying. So I will just leave it at this:

I found out last night that a girl I have known since I was very young has given head. She is two years younger than me. It has me quite distraught, although I know it shouldn't. My disappointment is entirely my fault. I failed to see that innocence is not permanent, and that people rarely have as much sense as I like to believe they do.

The idea of love is dead.

This is fucking depressing.

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