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Saturday, Feb. 19, 2005
3:29 p.m.
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Something I've Wanted to Say For a While ] >>

Dear Bush Administration:

Hi. It's me. You know, a concerned citizen of the country. More specifically, a concerned member of our youth. You're aware that this demographic exists, right? I mean sure, most of us can't vote yet (you are, I'm certain, infinitely grateful for this), but that does not mean that we do not have opinions, or that we cannot express said opinions.

You probably stopped reading after the word "youth", and if not there, then definitely after the word "demographic", since that is kind of a big word. Oh, don't worry, Mr. President, there's no shame in having the literacy level of a retarded seven year old. Just try to stay with me here, alright? I have a point, I promise. And won't it look good to the public if you take oh, say, five minutes to actually listen to what I have to say? "Dubya's in tune with today's youth!" they'll say. "Dubya cares!" And I know that is particularily appealing to you, Mr. President. So here we go.

I went walking today, in my oversized camo jacket (a gift from a relative), and got to thinking about the state of our military, which got me thinking about you, Mr. President, and your stance on abortion.

Now, I personally am against abortion. If I ever got pregnant, I think that I would keep it. That's just how I am. I will not, however, influence what another woman can or cannot do with her body just because I don't agree with it. Anyway, this isn't what you wanted to hear about, is it, Dubya? Can I call you Dubya? I just think it suits you so much more than Mr. President.

Continuing on, I got to thinking about your anti-abortion sentiments, how abortions should be illegal to keep today's youth away from sex (because abortions, as we all know, promote carelessness with everyone no matter what, and not just among a few irresponsible individuals who have taken it upon themselves to ruin everything for everyone).

Now, if I have this correct, Dubya, you are against abortion because it is the murder of a person, right? Ok, ok, I'll go with you on that one. A bunch of cells that can't talk or eat or breathe or do anything on their own, that's a person. Alright. And it's perfectly reasonable to be against senseless murder. Hell, I'm against senseless murder. I hate it when anyone dies. Babies, old people, members of today's youth being sent off across the world to die for a cause they don't believe in.

Whoops! Did I let that slip? Silly me.

Well, since I've already let the cat out of the bag, Dubya, let's roll with it so to speak. You've sent a large number of young men and women halfway 'round the world to fight a war.

Let's define a war as "something in which people are killed", okay? Okay.

So you've got a bunch of people dying. For no reason, really. People who are already people. People who breathe, and talk, and eat, and have loved ones and jobs and are productive members of society. You are sending these people off to die.

While protecting bunches of cells that might be people someday.

Are you seeing any inconsistancies here, Dubya?

Because I know I am.

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