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Monday, Dec. 06, 2004
8:07 p.m.
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Je D�teste Moi ] >>

In French, words have genders. Nouns and adjectives, if you want to be specific, but for now we'll just focus on nouns. In English, we would just say the tie, the game, the boys. In French, there are different types of "the" that reflect the gender. La cravate. Le jour [I think; that one is from memory]. Les garcons. You will notice "la" as opposed to "le"; masculine and feminine.

Now, these words can vary in gender depending on the context. This happens mostly with adjectives, but can happen with nouns too. And since every rule has its exception, there are some nouns that never change in gender. No matter what, they are always masculine or feminine. Some such words are b�b�, always masculine, mannequin, also masculine, or personne, always feminine.

Which brings me to my point.

Victim is always feminine.

I'm not sure if I should laugh because it's funny or stab myself in the gut because it's true.

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