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Monday, Jun. 28, 2004
9:51 p.m.
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Global Warming ] >>

Summer school began today, and it was my first time attending. Believe it or not, I used to be a good child who got good grades and was just generally good.

And then things got tougher, and I could no longer coast as I had before. Grades dropped and world temperatures rose. The polar icecaps began melting and cities were flooded, drowning thousands upon thousands of people! California disappeared altogether! Loved ones were ripped apart, and lost in the currents! Property was destroyed! People were killed! Other stuff was gone forever! Oh the humanity!

... Okay. So I made that last bit up.

I am thoroughly convinced that by simply breathing and being the proud owner of a pulse, I can pass this class with flying colors. Especially considering that we are going to be reading books I read in the ninth grade and liked. Good times.

There is a girl in my class who I have not seen since seventh grade. Because of boundary changes and all that jazz, she went to a different high school than I and I have not seen her since. She now sits in front of me in English, and when she speaks, I still can't hear one fucking word she says. It's great.

"Your sarcasm has improved since then."

"I was young and didn't know any better."

I spent the rest of the day sleeping and now I have nothing left to do.

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