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Sunday, Jun. 27, 2004
7:43 p.m.
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"What kind of kid cuts school to go hang out by the creek? I mean, where's the fun in that? You don't even get to see your friends or anything."

"Yeah, if you're going to cut school, go rob a bank or something! Have some fun! Don't go to the creek."

If I ever cut class, I would probably go to the creek. Logically speaking, it's one of the best places to be. It's quiet and your chances of being found are relatively low because it's the creek, and no one takes time to appreciate nature anymore.

It's always kind of depressing to run into glaring examples of how materialistic and disgusting humans are. It's especially depressing when said examples arrive in the forms of my parents and their dinner guests.

Even as I sit here writing, I can hear their laughter at crude jokes and stupid plays on words. They are like children...

Is this what I am going to become? Because if my fate is to become a fat soccer mom concerned only with her car, her kids, her husband, her job... I would rather just fucking hang myself now.

I rather enjoy having a heart.

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