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Friday, Jun. 16, 2006
8:05 a.m.
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I walk out to put my dishes in the sink and dad's standing in the walkway. He looks up.

"Good morning," he says, all cheerful. I look at him and walk past, I hear him turn around to watch me, and when I turn around to walk back he says, "You can't say good morning?"

I want to say, "Apparently." I want to say, "My best friend has been doing the same thing you did last night pretty much since I've known him. The difference is, he's my best friend, and you're my father." I want to say, "I can stop being his best friend, but I can't stop being your daughter."

I just stare at him and walk back to my room. Why even bother explaining? Even if he says sorry, which he hasn't, he's still an asshole.

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