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Thursday, Oct. 16, 2008
7:13 p.m.
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Open Letter to a College Professor (High School Teachers, You Should Pay Attention) ] >>

We're just outside the classroom and my eyes are red and puffy. "The system failed me so many times as a woman of color," she's saying, "I don't ever want the system to fail somebody else."

I should probably explain who she is. Who I am. This is my early child curriculum professor. And I've started crying in her class.

"I'm sorry," I'm saying, "I know you didn't mean to hurt me, I know that. Fuck. Sorry. And we're wasting time. Sorry." Everything is choked. My classmates are still inside.

The teacher has stopped class to take me outside and make sure things are okay, which is why it doesn't even matter what was said. Because today my professor spent twenty minutes making sure that the system didn't fail me, it didn't. She didn't.

Thank you.

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