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Tuesday, Nov. 08, 2011
11:32 p.m.
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Positive Reinforcement ] >>

Up at head office today, laminating and filing and shit. You know how it is. Head honcho, this kind ballerina of a woman, my regional director, was on her way out. Stopped, stared right at me. "Step into my office," she said, and it was hard to read her. My experience should have taught me that things would be fine, but I am so insecure, and I haven't been there so long, I still worry I am fucking up left and right. The first things to spill out of my mouth are, "What did I do wrong now?"

She laughs, tells me, "No, it's a good thing," then presents me with a gift card to the movies.

"You have been learning so much, and making such great strides. Your clinical skills have improved so much and we wanted to recognize that, so we got you this. But don't tell anyone, haha," she giggles, and it's light and airy. I tell her I won't, tell her thank you, tell her it's reassuring to hear because I have been so insecure. She assures me I am fine, that I'm going above and beyond and they see that and are so impressed.

I am going to be okay. Everything will be okay.

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