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Thursday, May. 31, 2012
8:47 p.m.
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Tu Madre ] >>

The mother of my favorite mouse today, standing in her kitchen all Betty Crocker meets Marilyn Monroe meets Salma Hayek meets a bottle of whiskey. We are discussing her son's team meetings, and our favorite parts.

"I love when the program directors go through what you guys have done and their faces drop like, 'how is he making so much progress?' They can't even understand, like, how it's happening. That's what tells me he's gonna be okay."

I nod. "I like the part where he's so advanced that we're like, 'okay, ready to move him into phase 5! Wait a second, what's phase 5?' and even the head honchos don't know and have to go look it up. That cracks me up every time."

"Oh my gosh, right?" she says, laughing. "I just love it. And I love that it's all you guys, too. It's not their programs, their direction; it's what you guys do right here in this house."

I told her like I always tell her, "No, it's you, too. You're right there with us learning how to do it, keeping it up at home, staying on him, challenging him, and that makes all the difference."

Hugs, plans for the museum next week, and she sends me off with a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "Cookies for my family," she said while she was mixing them. "My whole family." Sideways glance at me.

Thank you for my life.

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