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Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2012
3:25 p.m.
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Don't make small talk with me when I'm trying to buy a $40 dollar jug of wine that should have cost me $9. ] >>

I'm a six foot tall Canadian-born amazon, and when people find out that I was born in Canada, they stamp it across my forehead like it says something. Canadian, despite only living there til I was two, then lived in the bay area the other twenty-two years of my life. In Canada they address us as The American Cousins, eh? and no matter where we go I don't belong. Remember buying cheap expensive shitty red wine in Canada (thanks, booze taxes, you goddamn bleeding hear liberals) from a nineteen year old all skanked out in a white fuzzy jacket who judged from my license that as a fellow nineteen year old girl I was an expert on clubs in the states.

"I've heard they're so big and awesome," she said all country-bumpkin-one-generation-removed, and I gave a half-hearted smile and shrug because I hate being ambassador to everywhere with no place to call home.

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