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Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2014
8:39 p.m.
<< [
"When someone tells you who they are, believe them." ] >>

The cycle of abuse, to oversimplify, goes something like: abuse, apologize, repeat. The way nonspecific directions on a shampoo bottle sound. Abuse, apologize, repeat. Sometimes the abuse is physical. Sometimes it's emotional. Sometimes it's the abuser telling you he "didn't really mean it like that" or that you just "misunderstood".

Sometimes it's your dad blaming you for ruining his marriage.

I found myself in phase two yesterday, the apology phase, where dad promised he'd be "reevaluating his relationship with alcohol". Less than 24 hours, he's 6 drinks in. Drunk. Again.

Good job reevaluating.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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